The Finnish Electrosensitivity Foundation

General information

The Finnish Electrosensitivity Foundation is an independent foundation registered in the Finnish Patent and Registration office; it functions as not-for-profit charity. The purpose of the Foundation is to support the physical, mental and social well-being of electrosensitive people in Finland and to promote research into electromagnetic hypersensitivity. We provide information about EHS and offer various forms of support to people with EHS. Our services are free of charge.

The Foundation’s activities are guided by the Finnish Foundation Act and the Foundation’s rules. Our mission is to provide knowledge and support to enhance functioning, and we believe in the values of accepting diversity, listening to people, open curiosity, accessibility, sharing of evidence-based information and the positive power of art.

Our website provides information on EHS and the Foundation’s activities (in Finnish). The website is the Foundation’s main information channel for both people with EHS and the general public and its content is based on research. The website explains, among other things, what EHS is, what kind of disabilities it causes, and what help and support is available. We also provide information about our services, maintain a list of scientific studies on electrosensitivity and answer frequently asked questions from people with EHS. On request, we will send a paper copy of the content and other materials by post to those who cannot or do not wish to use electronic devices.

The Foundation was created in November 2016. It is led by the Board of Trustees that consists of 3–5 members and supplements itself. The term of office of the Board is three years; the Chair and Vice-Chair are elected annually. We have five permanent employees, and offices in Helsinki and Turku. We do not operate on a membership basis.


The Foundation aims to promote research into EHS and raise awareness of it by awarding grants for scientific research into the causes of EHS and/or its prevention and treatment, mainly in Finland. The Foundation also awards grants for the popularisation and easy-to-understand presentation of scientific findings on EHS. Grants for other purposes are not awarded.

Grant applications are considered by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. The call for applications is ongoing and the grant amount is unlimited. The grants awarded and the published studies funded by the grants are published on the Foundation’s website.

Forms of support

Our peer support is for people with EHS and their families. The helpline is open on Mondays from 17:00 to 19:00. Normal landline telephone rates apply and the Foundation does not receive any income from this service. The helpline is staffed by experienced and knowledgeable EHS individuals with whom the caller can discuss anything related to electrosensitivity.

Our specialist carries out measurements of the electromagnetic fields in the homes and holiday homes of people with EHS based on their request and a needs assessment. This means that our experts use the information they receive to assess whether the customer is likely to benefit from the service in question. If there is reason to believe that the service will not be useful, it will not be offered. The measurement service is free of charge, and available throughout Finland. Requests for the measurement service can be made by letter, email or telephone. The customer fills in the preliminary information form, which is available on the Foundation’s website, or by post from the Foundation’s office. A report of the measurements is sent to the customer, showing not only the strengths of the different fields and details of the meters used, but also how the results can be interpreted. The reports may also include, among other data, advice on radiation from the customer’s own equipment and the importance of distance and a grounded electrical system in reducing exposure to electromagnetic fields.

We also have a range of equipment that can be loaned for a limited time to people with EHS. The equipment has been tested and those that have been found to help reduce or limit exposure to electromagnetic radiation have been selected for loan. The loan service offers an EHS person the opportunity to try out which device(s) will help with their symptoms before buying one. The loan service is free of charge. We advise the customer on the most appropriate equipment and decide on the loan based on need and suitability. The customer can apply for a loan using a form available on the Foundation’s website or from the Foundation’s office.

The Foundation’s remit does not include legal aid, sound wave research, paranormal phenomena like geopathic stress, or suspected persecution or irradiation. We also do not offer help to refute medical diagnoses or interfere with medication or treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Environmental sensitivities

Environmental sensitivity means sensitivity to a variety of factors in the environment that cause symptoms to some individuals but cause no symptoms or harm to the majority of population. The most common types of environmental
sensitivities are sensitivity to smells, multiple chemical sensitivity, electrosensitivity and symptoms caused by indoor air and mould. One type of environmental sensitivity increases a person’s predisposition to react to other types of environmental exposure. Environmental sensitivities were included in the Finnish edition of the ICD-10 disease classification code in 2014 under R68.81: Continuous or recurring exceptional sensitivity to common environmental factors.


A person who has become sensitive to electromagnetic radiation and experiences symptoms because of it is known as an electrosensitive person. Electrosensitive people experience physical symptoms when exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), even if their exposure remains within the official safe limits. For many, the symptoms are related specifically to devices that generate radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF), such as mobile phones, computers and mobile phone base stations. Electrosensitive individuals report discomfort even when using normal home appliances and electronics.
Typical symptoms caused by electromagnetic radiation are redness, tingling or a burning sensation on the skin. The symptoms could also be generic, such as fatigue, difficulty concentrating, dizziness and heart palpitations. Symptoms vary between individuals. EHS appears to develop for individuals who already have other environmental sensitivities.


Contact information

Telephone: +358 9 2783 002

Text messages: +358 44 2027 292 or +358 40 5030740


Postal address: Liisankatu 27 B 2, 00170 Helsinki, Finland

Office: Unioninkatu 39 B 23, 00170 Helsinki, Finland

Tämän verkkosivuston sisältämä tieto on tarkoitettu vain neuvonnan antamiseen ja tiedon jakamiseen, eikä Sähköherkkyyssäätiö vastaa minkään laatuisista vahingoista tai menetyksistä, jotka voivat johtua tällä verkkosivustolla olevan tiedon soveltamisesta. Huomautamme lisäksi, etteivät säätiön työntekijät ole terveydenhoitoalan ammattilaisia.